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crip wabi-sabi
wabi-sabi is the Japanese aesthetic which among other characteristics finds transcendent beauty in imperfection -
a broken cup, a beauty mark.
a broken pot
my crippled body speaks
the beauty of rust
faded colours
the dusty beggar smiles
green snake tattoo
curls around the stump
pitted with scars
hammered silver rings
on one crooked hand
life’s scarred journey
black storm clouds gather
rain hammers
rainbows arc gracefully
sky rings with silver
out at sea
in a worn old boat
called 'Misfortune'
wave-tossed, rocking, tipping
I steer towards the bay
“man overboard”
I heard the sailor
I'm pulled by the tide
towards the shore and the ruin
of the dark lighthouse
Bill Albert/Joy McCall

Paul Levy
published in Atlas Poetica 30
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